Únase a nuestro culto híbrido todos los domingos a las 11 a.m.
Dios nos llama a ser una familia de fe inclusiva e intercultural,
guiada por el Espíritu Santo, unida en adoración, estudio, servicio y oración,
creciendo como discípulos y discípulas y en compañerismo con Cristo
en nuestra constantemente cambiante iglesia, vecindario y mundo.
En persona y en el internet,
somos UNA familia de fe.
January 03, 2023
This is Your First Item
Tell people more about this item. What's it about and what makes it interesting? Give people the info they need to go ahead and take the action you want.
To make this item your own, click here > Add & Manage Items.
February 23, 2023
This is Your Second Item
Tell people more about this item. What's it about and what makes it interesting? Give people the info they need to go ahead and take the action you want.
To make this item your own, click here > Add & Manage Items.
May 28, 2023
This is Your Third Item
Tell people more about this item. What's it about and what makes it interesting? Give people the info they need to go ahead and take the action you want.
To make this item your own, click here > Add & Manage Items.